The deadline for final submission is March 31, 2023. The decision of acceptance of the final submission is on April 17, 2023.
To submit your final submission, please log in to PCS with the credentials you used to submit the original manuscript. The final submission should be submitted to PCS. The authors should also submit their responses to reviewers for the conditionally accepted papers.
Please note that at least one author must register for the conference no later than May 5, 2023, and present the paper in order to ensure its inclusion in the conference proceedings.
The final submission for research papers (RP) needs to contain all identifying information, including author(s) details, headers, and references that may have been removed for the double-blind review process.
Final submissions for completed research papers (RP) must not exceed thirteen (13) single-spaced pages and must conform to the ECIS 2023 complete research paper template. The page limit 'includes' all text (including title, abstract, keywords), figures, tables, and appendices. The references are excluded from this page count. Final submissions that exceed this limit will not be included in the conference proceedings.
The final submission for research-in-progress papers (RiP) needs to contain all identifying information, including author(s) details, headers, and the references that may have been removed for the double-blind review process.
Final submissions for Research-in-progress papers (RiP) must not exceed eight (8) single-spaced pages and must conform to the ECIS2023 Research-in-Progress paper template. The page limit 'includes' all text (including title, abstract, keywords), figures, tables, and appendices. The references are excluded from this page count. Final submissions that exceed this limit will not be included in the conference proceedings.